Okay, so one of the main reasons I started this thing was to get some stuff off my chest without seeming like a whiner to those close to me, such as my wife. Call me a curmudgeon, a complainer, whatever, I really have a problem with some things and I thought this was as good a place as anything to vent and clear my mind. I know, that's lame, but tough.
First of all, the guy from the Ford commercials and Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe. What a freakin' poser! From the moment I saw him do those commercials with a logo-less baseball cap and a plain sweat or tee shirt I hated the dude. Look, if you want to act like a normal everyday guy who wants to sell me a car, wear a freakin' Ford logo cap, all right?! Pisses me off that anyone considers him a guy, a regular sort of guy, you know, like someone who's not in it for the money or anything. Bullcrap.
The damn Apple IPhone commercials that end with the effiminate guy stating, "if you don't own an IPhone, you don't own an IPhone". Really Einstein??? Really??? If I don't own something I don't own something. What genius at the ad agency came up with that one and what idiot at Apple said sure, go with that one? I turn the sound off during that ad because it irks me so much. Not only pretentious and stupid, but pretentiously stupid.
This Tracy Morgan using gay slurs in his comedy act over the weekend and getting all sorts of crap over it. Look folks, get a freakin' sense of humor! With humor, much of it comes from making fun of stuff, any stuff, any subject, any-freakin'-thing! Now he ended up apologizing for it, sayiong he didn't mean to sound hateful and all that PC crap, but now the gays and lesbos want more. More than an apology? Is this America, land of free speech? He apologized folks, a-p-o-l-o-g-i-z-e-d. You want more than that? Go to Russia you freakin' commies!
This congressman Weiner guy. Now this is a really winner of a guy. He just got married right? Now we hear he's been sexting and carrying on all sorts of cyber affairs with chicks all over the country. What a class guy. And he thinks he's gonna get re-elected some day? That's the only reason he hasn't resigned yet, right? Cause he thinks he's gonna win in the next election. What a freakin' ego! Sounds like Limbaugh, Palin, Gingrich and Pelosi wrapped up in one! Leave already moron and get ready for the divorce trial. You're gonna need a lot of help during that one!
Finally, living in New Jersey, just a quick comment on NJ's Supreme Court decision to put back $500 million into the school system, specifically in the 32 Abbott districts where they're mostly minority students (at least the ones who actually go to school). There are over 500 districts in the state and these 32 get something like 60% of ALL the money allotted by the state. Are you fuh-reakin' kidding me??? Where is the evidence that pouring tons and tons of money into these eminently corruptible districts makes better students??? Some one out there show me where this helps. Show me that all the money goes to actually teaching the kids and that some fat cat administrators aren't pulling down thousands and thousands of extra salary. This drives me absolutely nuts because the money comes from TAXES! That's right, NJ citizens' money that they have no say because it's a court decision, made by folks who aren't elected. Now there's something I think should be discussed, electing Supreme Court justices at the state level. Give them like 6 or 8 year terms but make them answerable (ible?) to the citizens that are affected by their decisions. Just makes me wanna...write a blog.
Now that I'm able to comment --- it still cracks me up how much you can't stand that Ford guy. I wouldn't want you any other way.