Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Movies 2011

As my wife and I are big movie fans, just a word on this year's crop of movies. We've seen a couple and we intend to see quite a few more. Here is the list, made for my own purpose so I don't forget:

Thor (seen) - pretty good, actually...didn't think it was gonna be anything but it had a good combination of action and humor...not much of a script, but no one's expecting Shakespeare, right?

The Hangover Part II (seen) - very funny, though not nearly as funny (or original, duh!) as the first one as it follows the same exact plot...a bit raunchier and darker, but there are scenes that still make you laugh out loud and a few that I laugh at just thinking about them...i.e. the anchor

X-Men: First Class - trailers look good...hope it's as good as the first two as the last few have been average at best

Super 8 - don't know if this is another J.J. Abrams monster movie or not but it looks good enough to take a shot, though I might be influenced against it by poor reviews (hate to say it, but it's true)

Green Lantern - hope it's good because this was one of my favorite comic book heroes...use to love reading Green Lantern, Thor, Fantastic Four and The Avengers...also Sgt. Rock but I doubt anyone remembers that one

Transformers: Dark of the Moon - has to be better than the last one which pretty much sucked...have to see it just for the special effects

Zookeeper - okay, let me explain...I think Kevin James is a riot, and he has a fairly good track record recently - Paul Blart, Grown-Ups - although this one may be skipped because we sort of have a rule that unless it's something that needs to be seen on a big screen for the visual effects, we wait until it comes to cable...we'll see...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - have seen them all and dragged Cherish to the first part last year where she was completely lost (she hasn't read any of the books but enjoys the movies)...this one is a definite

Captain America: The First Avenger - trailers look brainer

Cowboys and Aliens - another no brainer...Harrison Ford, aliens, horses...wife drools over Daniel Craig (she's gonna kill me for saying so but she loves him even if he has permanently pouting lips)

Well, there you have it. There are a few other flicks that look okay but I doubt we'll break our "it'll be the same on a small screen" rule to see them. Looks like a good summer.

1 comment:

  1. Uncle Bob joins us in cyber space. Who woulda thunk it! What's up Bob? Saw this post in Cherish's Facebook and glad I clicked on over. Good to see you blogging and most importantly writing. I remember you having written some sports pieces for the Bernardsville News and that you have a al gift. Like your conversational style here too.

    Hope life is treating you well. I see your sports addiction is still in full swing.

    Life is good in Miami and while I can appreciate your love for your state, South Florida does it for me.

    Keep up the great work on the blog. The more you write the more people will find it and read it, cause that's how search engines work and get a Facebook account, because hat will help too and it will help you reconnect with old friends!

